Digital Publishing


Digital publishing solutions that combine the myriad of advertising platforms, technologies, and data.
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The Increasing Complexity of Digital Publishing

Increasing advertiser demands require digital publishers to continously optimize and meet rigorous performance goals.

  • Unified Campaigns

    Advertisers expect campaigns to be unified, not fragmented.
  • Outcome-Driven Results

    Campaigns need to deliver audiences as well as specific outcomes.
  • Flexible Execution

    Campaign execution needs to be flexible and operate across multiple platforms.

Simplify the Complex with Operative Solutions

Operative solutions enable leading digital publishers to supercharge revenue and streamline operations.

  • Drive New Revenue

    Supercharge revenue by unlocking real-time revenue insights and speeding time to payment.
  • Power Workflows

    Manage workflows with flexible tools to automate ad sales and operational processes.
  • Scale

    Grow business on top of an infinitely scalable revenue acceleration platform.

AOS for Digital Publishing

Connect and automate digital revenue workflows to streamline your advertising operations and fully monetize the value of your media. AOS is the industry’s leading cloud-based revenue automation platform.

Digital Publishing: Products

The cloud-based solution to power modern media, managing advertising workflows across platforms and inventory types.
An ad management platform for digital publishers, streamlining inventory, planning, and order workflows.
A cloud-based reporting & analytics tool to help media companies aggregate, normalize, and automate revenue data.

News & Resources


Connect your tech stack and begin your digital transformation process. Operative solutions natively integrate with the media world’s leading platforms.

Contact Us

Let’s discuss how Operative solutions can help your business